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DataClient Class

To get started, call one of the following methods:
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.Create
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateAsync
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithToken
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithTokenAsync
See Anysense.API.Client.Shared.BaseClient<T> for documentation on these methods.
Gains access to data
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Anysense.API.Client.V1
Assembly: Anysense.API.Client (in Anysense.API.Client.dll) Version: 1.31.16+70a1cd56b0e0edeea15f29c3f401e7c22c5026a4
public class DataClient : ApiHandler<ApiClient>

The DataClient type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddQueryParameter
(Inherited from ApiHandlerT)
Public methodCancelEdit Deletes files the submitted medias that has been uploading during an edit
Public methodCancelEditAsync Deletes files the submitted medias that has been uploading during an edit
Public methodDelete Deletes data
Public methodDeleteAsync Deletes data
Public methodDeletedForSubform Returns a page of deleted data, that is subformdata to a given FormData object
Public methodDeletedForSubformAsync Returns a page of deleted data, that is subformdata to a given FormData object
Public methodDeletePermanent Deletes multiple formdata rows permanently - they cannot be restored. Rows must have been marked at deleted before calling DeletePermanent.
Public methodDeletePermanentAsync Deletes multiple formdata rows permanently - they cannot be restored. Rows must have been marked at deleted before calling DeletePermanent.
Public methodEmptyRecycleBin Empties the recyclebin for at given form. Deletes all formdata marked as deleted permanently - they cannot be restored.
Public methodEmptyRecycleBinAsync Empties the recyclebin for at given form. Deletes all formdata marked as deleted permanently - they cannot be restored.
Public methodEmptyRecycleBinForSubform Empties the recyclebin for a subform of the specific FormData object. Deletes all subformdata marked as deleted permanently - they cannot be restored.
Public methodEmptyRecycleBinForSubformAsync Empties the recyclebin for a subform of the specific FormData object. Deletes all subformdata marked as deleted permanently - they cannot be restored.
Public methodHistory Gets all versions of a given formdata object. If RowVersion is submitted, the result-set are limited to versions newer than the submitted.
Public methodHistoryAsync Gets all versions of a given formdata object. If RowVersion is submitted, the result-set are limited to versions newer than the submitted.
Public methodHistoryCount Get a total number of previous versions of a given formdata object.
Public methodHistoryCountAsync Get a total number of previous versions of a given formdata object.
Public methodMassEdit Updates all rows matching the submitted filter with the submitted values..
Public methodMassEditAsync Updates all rows matching the submitted filter with the submitted values..
Public methodRestoreHistory Restores a FormData object to a previous version and returns the restored Formdata
Public methodRestoreHistoryAsync Restores a FormData object to a previous version and returns the restored Formdata
Public methodSave Saves data
Public methodSaveAsync Saves data
Public methodSaveInTransaction Saves multiple FormData objects in a single transaction. If one fails, everyone fails.
Public methodSaveInTransactionAsync Saves multiple FormData objects in a single transaction. If one fails, everyone fails.
Public methodSaveMultiple Saves multiple formdata objects
Public methodSaveMultipleAsync Saves multiple formdata objects
Public methodSearch Gets data for a given form.
Public methodSearchAsync Gets data for a given form.
Public methodSetArchived Toggles "Archived" for mulitple FormData objects
Public methodSetArchivedAsync Toggles "Archived" for mulitple FormData objects
Public methodSetDeleted Toggles "Deleted" for mulitple FormData objects
Public methodSetDeletedAsync Toggles "Deleted" for mulitple FormData objects
Public methodSpecific Returns a specific version of a single FormData-object. If no RowVersion is defined, the newest version of the row will be returned. When calling API 1.24 and above, the requesting client can request data by submitting the ClientId instead of the DataId. If a DataId is submitted the submitted ClientId is ignored, so both will never be used.
Public methodSpecificAsync Returns a specific version of a single FormData-object. If no RowVersion is defined, the newest version of the row will be returned. When calling API 1.24 and above, the requesting client can request data by submitting the ClientId instead of the DataId. If a DataId is submitted the submitted ClientId is ignored, so both will never be used.
Public methodSynchronize Gets data for multiple forms
Public methodSynchronizeAsync Gets data for multiple forms
See Also