Click or drag to resize

DataClientSynchronize Method

To get started, call one of the following methods:
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.Create
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateAsync
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithToken
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithTokenAsync
See Anysense.API.Client.Shared.BaseClient<T> for documentation on these methods.
Gets data for multiple forms

Namespace: Anysense.API.Client.V1
Assembly: Anysense.API.Client (in Anysense.API.Client.dll) Version: 1.31.16+70a1cd56b0e0edeea15f29c3f401e7c22c5026a4
public DataSynchronizationResponse Synchronize(
	SynchronizeDataRequest request


request  SynchronizeDataRequest
The SearchMultipleFormData request.

Return Value

Clients should keep asking for changed dat until a response is returned without any added, changed or deleted data. When calling API versions Prior to 1.2, MediaData objects will include thumnails. From 1.2 to 1.10, thumbnails are removed from the data set. From 1.11 and forwards, the caller can define how Medias should be returned. Thumbnails will still be removed from the retuned MediaModels.
See Also