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DataFilterConditions Enumeration

To get started, call one of the following methods:
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.Create
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateAsync
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithToken
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithTokenAsync
See Anysense.API.Client.Shared.BaseClient<T> for documentation on these methods.

Note: This API is now obsolete.

List of all conditions available for filtering in a DataFilter.

Namespace: AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1.DTOs.Filter
Assembly: AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1 (in AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1.dll) Version: 1.31.11+e7fd483bc62011074c33f1b0082717c0012050d5
[ObsoleteAttribute("Removed IN API 1.22")]
public enum DataFilterConditions
Member nameValueDescription
Equals0 Values should be equals
NotEquals1 Values should not be equal
LesserThan2 Value should be lesser than the defined value (nummeric only)
GreaterThan3 Value should be greater that the defined value (nummeric only)
Contains4 Value should contain the defined value (string values)
NotContains5 Value should not contain the defined value (string values)
StartsWith6 Value should start with the defined value (string values)
EndsWith7 Value should end with the defined value (string values)
In8 Value should exist in the sequense (nummeric only)
OlderThanDays9 Value should be older than the defined days (dates only)
OlderThanMonths10 Value should be older than the defined months (dates only)
OlderThanYears11 Values hould be older than the defined years (dates only)
NotOlderThanDays12 Value should not be older than the defined days (dates only)
NotOlderThanMonths13 Value should not be older than the defined months (dates only)
NotOlderThanYears14 Value should not be older than the defined years (dates only)
OlderThanHours15 Value should be older than the defined hours (times only)
OlderThanMinutes16 Value should be older than the defined minutes (times only)
NotOlderThanHours17 Value should not be older than the defined hours (times only)
NotOlderThanMinutes18 Value should not be older than the defined minutes (times only)
See Also