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FileSystemClient Class

To get started, call one of the following methods:
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.Create
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateAsync
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithToken
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithTokenAsync
See Anysense.API.Client.Shared.BaseClient<T> for documentation on these methods.
Manages FileSystems and handles access to files stored in FileSystems
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Anysense.API.Client.V1
Assembly: Anysense.API.Client (in Anysense.API.Client.dll) Version: 1.31.16+70a1cd56b0e0edeea15f29c3f401e7c22c5026a4
public class FileSystemClient : ApiHandler<ApiClient>

The FileSystemClient type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddQueryParameter
(Inherited from ApiHandlerT)
Public methodBeginUpload 
Public methodBeginUploadAsync Begins a media upload with an given id. If the Id is null, a new id will be returned
Public methodCreate Creates a Filesystem on the service.
Public methodCreateAsync Creates a Filesystem on the service.
Public methodDelete Deletes a FileSystem.
Public methodDeleteAsync Deletes a FileSystem.
Public methodfileResult Gets an image cropped to match submitted max width or max height, centered around the submitted coordinates. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If the returned image can be adjusted if the offsets is too close to the edges, so that the cropped image would have been out of bounds.
Public methodFinalizeAttachmentUpload 
Public methodFinalizeAttachmentUploadAsync 
Public methodFinalizeInspectionFileUpload 
Public methodFinalizeInspectionFileUploadAsync 
Public methodGet Returns an FileSystem from the service
Public methodGetAsync Returns an FileSystem from the service
Public methodGetChunk(Int64, Guid, Int64, Int64) 
Public methodGetChunk(Int64, Guid, Int64, Int64, Stream) 
Public methodGetChunkAsync(Int64, Guid, Int64, Int64) 
Public methodGetChunkAsync(Int64, Guid, Int64, Int64, Stream) 
Public methodGetCropped Gets an image cropped to match submitted max width or max height, centered around the submitted coordinates. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If the returned image can be adjusted if the offsets is too close to the edges, so that the cropped image would have been out of bounds.
Public methodGetCroppedAsync(Int64, Guid, Int32, Int32, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal) Gets an image cropped to match submitted max width or max height, centered around the submitted coordinates. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If the returned image can be adjusted if the offsets is too close to the edges, so that the cropped image would have been out of bounds.
Public methodGetCroppedAsync(Int64, Guid, Int32, Int32, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Stream) Gets an image cropped to match submitted max width or max height, centered around the submitted coordinates. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If the returned image can be adjusted if the offsets is too close to the edges, so that the cropped image would have been out of bounds.
Public methodGetCroppedPrintable(Int64, Guid, Decimal, Decimal, PrintSizeUnit, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal) Gets an image cropped to match submitted max width or max height, centered around the submitted coordinates, and converted to 300 dpi. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If the returned image can be adjusted if the offsets is too close to the edges, so that the cropped image would have been out of bounds. If the API is called without the official Anysense API library, the caller should take notice of the following headers: - CROP-FULLWIDTH: The width of the scaled image before cropping - CROP-FULLHEIGHT: The height of the scaled image before cropping - CROP-OFFSET-X: The number of pixels from the left side, from where the image is cropped - CROP-OFFSET-Y: The number of pixels from the top, from where the image is cropped
Public methodGetCroppedPrintable(Int64, Guid, Decimal, Decimal, PrintSizeUnit, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Stream) Gets an image cropped to match submitted max width or max height, centered around the submitted coordinates, and converted to 300 dpi. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If the returned image can be adjusted if the offsets is too close to the edges, so that the cropped image would have been out of bounds. If the API is called without the official Anysense API library, the caller should take notice of the following headers: - CROP-FULLWIDTH: The width of the scaled image before cropping - CROP-FULLHEIGHT: The height of the scaled image before cropping - CROP-OFFSET-X: The number of pixels from the left side, from where the image is cropped - CROP-OFFSET-Y: The number of pixels from the top, from where the image is cropped
Public methodGetCroppedPrintableAsync(Int64, Guid, Decimal, Decimal, PrintSizeUnit, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal) Gets an image cropped to match submitted max width or max height, centered around the submitted coordinates, and converted to 300 dpi. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If the returned image can be adjusted if the offsets is too close to the edges, so that the cropped image would have been out of bounds. If the API is called without the official Anysense API library, the caller should take notice of the following headers: - CROP-FULLWIDTH: The width of the scaled image before cropping - CROP-FULLHEIGHT: The height of the scaled image before cropping - CROP-OFFSET-X: The number of pixels from the left side, from where the image is cropped - CROP-OFFSET-Y: The number of pixels from the top, from where the image is cropped
Public methodGetCroppedPrintableAsync(Int64, Guid, Decimal, Decimal, PrintSizeUnit, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal, Stream) Gets an image cropped to match submitted max width or max height, centered around the submitted coordinates. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If the returned image can be adjusted if the offsets is too close to the edges, so that the cropped image would have been out of bounds.
Public methodGetFile(Int64, Guid) Gets a file
Public methodGetFile(Int64, Guid, Stream) Gets a file
Public methodGetFileAsync(Int64, Guid) Gets a file
Public methodGetFileAsync(Int64, Guid, Stream) Gets a file
Public methodGetFiles 
Public methodGetFilesAsync 
Public methodGetFileStats 
Public methodGetFileStatsAsync 
Public methodGetPrintable(Int64, Guid, NullableDecimal, NullableDecimal, NullablePrintSizeUnit) Gets an image scaled to match submitted max width or max height and converted to 300 dpi. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned.
Public methodGetPrintable(Int64, Guid, NullableDecimal, NullableDecimal, NullablePrintSizeUnit, Stream) Gets an image scaled to match submitted max width or max height and converted to 300 dpi. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned.
Public methodGetPrintableAsync(Int64, Guid, NullableDecimal, NullableDecimal, NullablePrintSizeUnit) Gets an image scaled to match submitted max width or max height and converted to 300 dpi. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned.
Public methodGetPrintableAsync(Int64, Guid, NullableDecimal, NullableDecimal, NullablePrintSizeUnit, Stream) Gets an image scaled to match submitted max width or max height and converted to 300 dpi. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned.
Public methodGetScaled(Int64, Guid, Int32, Int32) Gets an image scaled to match submitted max width or max height. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned.
Public methodGetScaled(Int64, Guid, Int32, Int32, Stream) Gets an image scaled to match submitted max width or max height. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned.
Public methodGetScaledAsync(Int64, Guid, Int32, Int32) 
Public methodGetScaledAsync(Int64, Guid, Int32, Int32, Stream) Gets an image scaled to match submitted max width or max height. If the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned.
Public methodGetThumbnail(Int64, Guid, Int32, Int32) Gets an thumbnail of a file scaled to match submitted max width or max height. If the media is an image and the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If anything else than an image or PDF is requested, the service returns a standard thumbnail matching the requested dimensions.
Public methodGetThumbnail(Int64, Guid, Int32, Int32, Stream) Gets an thumbnail of a file scaled to match submitted max width or max height. If the media is an image and the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If anything else than an image or PDF is requested, the service returns a standard thumbnail matching the requested dimensions.
Public methodGetThumbnailAsync(Int64, Guid, Int32, Int32) Gets an thumbnail of a file scaled to match submitted max width or max height. If the media is an image and the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If anything else than an image or PDF is requested, the service returns a standard thumbnail matching the requested dimensions.
Public methodGetThumbnailAsync(Int64, Guid, Int32, Int32, Stream) Gets an thumbnail of a file scaled to match submitted max width or max height. If the media is an image and the image is smaller than the requested dimensions, the original image is returned. If anything else than an image or PDF is requested, the service returns a standard thumbnail matching the requested dimensions.
Public methodIsInUse Checks if a FileSystem is in use by any Forms or Tables
Public methodIsInUseAsync Checks if a FileSystem is in use by any Forms or Tables
Public methodList Gets a list of all the FileSystems configured in Anysense
Public methodListAsync Gets a list of all the FileSystems configured in Anysense
Public methodRename Renames an Area on the service.
Public methodRenameAsync Renames a FileSystem on the service.
Public methodSaveChunk(SaveChunkRequest) 
Public methodSaveChunk(Guid, Int64, Byte) 
Public methodSaveChunkAsync(SaveChunkRequest) 
Public methodSaveChunkAsync(Guid, Int64, Byte) 
Public methodUploadAttachment 
Public methodUploadAttachmentAsync 
Public methodUploadInspectionFile 
Public methodUploadInspectionFileAsync 
See Also