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FormsClient Class

To get started, call one of the following methods:
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.Create
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateAsync
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithToken
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithTokenAsync
See Anysense.API.Client.Shared.BaseClient<T> for documentation on these methods.
Manages Forms
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Anysense.API.Client.V1
Assembly: Anysense.API.Client (in Anysense.API.Client.dll) Version: 1.31.16+70a1cd56b0e0edeea15f29c3f401e7c22c5026a4
public class FormsClient : ApiHandler<ApiClient>

The FormsClient type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddQueryParameter
(Inherited from ApiHandlerT)
Public methodAll Returns a list of forms from the server This method does not return details like form-elements and settings, but do return details about users and groups that have been assigned to the form.
Public methodAllAsync Returns a list of forms from the server This method does not return details like form-elements and settings, but do return details about users and groups that have been assigned to the form.
Public methodAssigned Get a list of forms assigned to the calling user. This method does not return details like form-elements and settings.
Public methodAssignedAsync Get a list of forms assigned to the calling user. This method does not return details like form-elements and settings.
Public methodCheckAllForms Gets all forms, and all their versions, in the system.
Public methodCheckAllFormsAsync Gets all forms, and all their versions, in the system.
Public methodCheckChanges Checks if the changes to the submitted form will result in the a new version if saved
Public methodCheckChangesAsync Checks if the changes to the submitted form will result in the a new version if saved
Public methodCheckForms Gets forms assigned to the user. The method returns only the forms, that has been changed since last request (if rowversion is submitted)
Public methodCheckFormsAsync Gets forms assigned to the user. The method returns only the forms, that has been changed since last request (if rowversion is submitted)
Public methodDelete Moves a Form to the recyclebin
Public methodDeleteAsync Moves a Form to the recyclebin
Public methodDeleted Returns the content of the Form recyclebin
Public methodDeletedAsync Returns the content of the Form recyclebin
Public methodDeletePermanent Deletes the submitted Forms permanently. They cannot be restored.
Public methodDeletePermanentAsync Deletes the submitted Forms permanently. They cannot be restored.
Public methodGet Gets a single form. If no VersionId is submitted (-1), the newest version of the form is returned. If requested form is a table, the newest template version is returned.
Public methodGetAsync Gets a single form. If no VersionId is submitted (-1), the newest version of the form is returned. If requested form is a table, the newest template version is returned.
Public methodHasAccess Checks if the current user (or client) has access to the given form
Public methodHasAccessAsync Checks if the current user (or client) has access to the given form
Public methodIsNameAvailable Checks if there is a form with that name
Public methodIsNameAvailableAsync Checks if there is a form with that name
Public methodLog Returns a log, which contains all events that has happened to a form
Public methodLogAsync Returns a log, which contains all events that has happened to a form
Public methodLookupUsage Gets a list of users and groups that uses a form as Lookup form.
Public methodLookupUsageAsync Gets a list of users and groups that uses a form as Lookup form.
Public methodNewestSubFormTemplateVersion Gets the versionid of the newest subform version available for templating
Public methodNewestSubFormTemplateVersionAsync Gets the versionid of the newest subform version available for templating
Public methodRestore Moves a list of Forms out of the recyclebin
Public methodRestoreAsync Moves a list of Forms out of the recyclebin
Public methodSave Creates or updates a form
Public methodSaveAsync Creates or updates a form
Public methodStats(GetFormStatsRequest) Returns statistics about a given form Note: If the calling user is has a filter assigned, this will be a applied to the stats.
Public methodStats(Int64, Int64) Returns statistics about a given form Note: If the calling user is has a filter assigned, this will be a applied to the stats.
Public methodStatsAsync(GetFormStatsRequest) Returns statistics about a given form Note: If the calling user is has a filter assigned, this will be a applied to the stats.
Public methodStatsAsync(Int64, Int64) Returns statistics about a given form Note: If the calling user is has a filter assigned, this will be a applied to the stats.
Public methodSubforms Return all tables from the server
Public methodSubformsAsync Return all tables from the server
Public methodUserAccessList Returns a list of users, which has access to a given form - either by user assignment or group membership
Public methodUserAccessListAsync Returns a list of users, which has access to a given form - either by user assignment or group membership
See Also