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FormElementNumeric Properties

To get started, call one of the following methods:
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.Create
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateAsync
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithToken
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithTokenAsync
See Anysense.API.Client.Shared.BaseClient<T> for documentation on these methods.

The FormElementNumeric type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContainerId Defines the parent container ID. Parents are typically of formelementtype 'Section', which is a toplevel formelement.
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyDefaultValue Value that should be set as default in new FormData - it's allowed for the user to change the value
Public propertyElementTypeId Specifies the given formelement type
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyExpressionObsolete.
Defines a Regular Expression that a submitted value must match
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyFocus Indicates if this element should have focus when the form is opened (or cleared).
Public propertyId The formelements unique identifier
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyIdentifier Identity that is unique to this element, but is shared across different versions and copies of an app. Changes if element type is changed.
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyInputRequiredObsolete.
If true, the field is required
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyName Column / field name
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyNameStyleObsolete.
Defines how the form element name should be displayed
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyReadonly Determines whether the value in formelements can be edited during edit or only at create. If true, if values cannot be edited after the data is created.
Public propertyReadOnlyObsolete.
Determines whether the value in formelements can be edited during edit or only at create. If true, if values cannot be edited after the data is created. If the element is a FormElementLookupItem, then the user can never change the value.
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyRegularExpression A regular expression that the entered value must match
Public propertyRenewFocusObsolete.
Indicates if this element should have focus when the form is opened (or cleared).
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyRequired If true, the field is required
Public propertyRetain If true, the input entered should be retained when the form is cleared
Public propertyRetainInputObsolete.
If true, the input entered the field will be retained
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyVersionId Defines which formversion the element is added to
(Inherited from FormElement)
Public propertyVisibility Defines the visiblity
Public propertyVisibilityCondition Defines the condition that should be matched when visiblity is dynamically
See Also