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QueryInformation Class

To get started, call one of the following methods:
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.Create
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateAsync
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithToken
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithTokenAsync
See Anysense.API.Client.Shared.BaseClient<T> for documentation on these methods.
Class used to hold information about FormData filtering. See AnySenseService.AnySenseService.SearchFormData for more information about FilterValues
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1.Requests
Assembly: AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1 (in AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1.dll) Version: 1.31.11+e7fd483bc62011074c33f1b0082717c0012050d5
public class QueryInformation

The QueryInformation type exposes the following members.

Public methodQueryInformationInitializes a new instance of the QueryInformation class
Public propertyDateEnd Data submitted until this datetime should be returned.
This parameter will only be used if DateStart is also provided.
This should be null if not specified.
Public propertyDateStart Data submitted from this datetime should be returned.
This parameter will only be used if DateEnd is also provided.
This should be null if not specified.
Public propertyFilters A list of data indices matching which data columns should be filtered.
This means the indexes of the datacolumns, not the indexes of the form element, which means that PivotItem, LookupContainer and TextBlocks should be skipped when calculating the index.
It is possible to do a filtering on SubmitDate (-2) and UserName (-1).
The length and placement of indexes in the list, must be like the length and placement of values in FilterValues
Public propertyFilterValues A list of filter values.
See details at AnySenseService.AnySenseService.SearchFormData.
Public propertyIDs Parameter can be used to request specific data from ids, if the list is empty this parameter will be ignored. If this value is provided Filters and FilterValues will be ignored.
Public propertyPage The page (zero based) to be retrieved.
Public propertySortColumn The column index that the result should be sorted by.
0, 1, 2... corrosponds to a data column with the specified index.
Additional sort by indexes:
-1: Submitter username
-2: Submitted date
-3: Rowversion column
-4: Last updater username
-5: Last updated date
-6: Data Id
Public propertySortDesc If true sort the result descending.
Public propertyUserName Filters the result by username. This value can be a either a partial or full username (etc. "sj" will return all rows submitted by "sje").
Public propertyVersionId 
See Also