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ReportRequest Class

To get started, call one of the following methods:
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.Create
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateAsync
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithToken
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithTokenAsync
See Anysense.API.Client.Shared.BaseClient<T> for documentation on these methods.
Class used when requesting a Report.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1.Requests
Assembly: AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1 (in AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1.dll) Version: 1.31.11+e7fd483bc62011074c33f1b0082717c0012050d5
public class ReportRequest

The ReportRequest type exposes the following members.

Public methodReportRequestInitializes a new instance of the ReportRequest class
Public propertyDataState The state of that data that should be exported
Public propertyIgnoreFormFilters Defines if the user has decided to ignore pre defined formfilters (for third party integration, this has no effect, since a programmatic client cant have a form filter)
Public propertyLanguage The name of the culture that should be used for formatting. Eg. "da" or "en".
Public propertyQueryObsolete.
The search query to filter FormData after
Public propertySearchFilter The search filter to filter FormData after
Public propertySortByColumn The column index that the result should be sorted by.
0, 1, 2... corrosponds to a data column with the specified index.
Additional sort by indexes:
-1: Submitter username
-2: Submitted date
-3: Rowversion column
-4: Last updater username
-5: Last updated date
-6: Data Id
Public propertySortDescending If true sort the result descending.
Public propertyTemplateId The id of the template to use for the Report
Public propertyVersionId The id of the form to export FormData for
See Also