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AutoNumber Class

To get started, call one of the following methods:
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.Create
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateAsync
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithToken
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithTokenAsync
See Anysense.API.Client.Shared.BaseClient<T> for documentation on these methods.
Class that represents a autonumber configuration.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1.DTOs.Form
Assembly: AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1 (in AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1.dll) Version: 1.31.11+e7fd483bc62011074c33f1b0082717c0012050d5
public class AutoNumber

The AutoNumber type exposes the following members.

Public methodAutoNumberInitializes a new instance of the AutoNumber class
Public propertyAutoNumberId The id of the autonumber.
Public propertyCodeObsolete.
The code (name) of the autonumber.
Public propertyCounterDigits If specified, the {counter} part of the autonumber will have this length. Ex: 4, then the first value is 0004 Specifying this value alone does not prevent the autonumber from exceeding the defined length - then Stop should be defined as well.
Public propertyCurrentValue The current number of the autonumber.
Public propertyDescription The description of the autonumber configuration.
Public propertyEndObsolete.
The end number. FormData won't be saved if CurrentValue exceeds this value.
Public propertyFormat The format of the AutoNumber. The following placeholders can be used in the format: {counter} - the incremtal counter value {yyyy} - year when autonumber is taken - 4 digits {yy} - year when autonumber is taken - 2 digits {mm} - month when autonumber is taken - 2 digits {dd} - day of month when autonumber is taken - 2 digits
Public propertyIncrementalValue The incremental value - Etc. if set to 3, CurrentValue becomes 3, 6, 9... when incremented.
Public propertyLastIncremented When the autonumber was last incremented.
Public propertyName The name of this autonumber configuration.
Public propertyPostFixObsolete.
A string which will be appended to the actual number.
Public propertyPrefixObsolete.
A string which will be prepended the actual number.
Public propertyResetCounterOnNonCounterValueChange Specifies if the counter should reset if any used placeholder in the format changes value (except from {counter}). Ex, i format is {yyyy}{counter}, and this value is true, then the counter will be reset to Start at New Years eve.
Public propertyStart The starting number. This can only be set when creating the configuration.
Public propertyStop The last allowed counter value number. FormData will still be saved, but autonumber won't be set.
Public propertyUnsetValueObsolete.
How the autonumber should look like, when it hasn't been assigned a value.
See Also