Click or drag to resize

GetCroppedFileResponse Class

To get started, call one of the following methods:
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.Create
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateAsync
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithToken
  • Anysense.API.Client.V1.ApiClient.CreateWithTokenAsync
See Anysense.API.Client.Shared.BaseClient<T> for documentation on these methods.
Class containing details about the cropped image
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1.Responses
Assembly: AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1 (in AnySenseService.Entities.API.PublicAPI.V1.dll) Version: 1.31.11+e7fd483bc62011074c33f1b0082717c0012050d5
public class GetCroppedFileResponse : FileResult

The GetCroppedFileResponse type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContentType The MMIME-type of the file
(Inherited from FileResult)
Public propertyCropOffsetX The number of pixels from the left side, from where the image is cropped
Public propertyCropOffsetY The number of pixels from the top, from where the image is cropped
Public propertyFilename The original filename of the file
(Inherited from FileResult)
Public propertyFullHeight The height of the scaled image before cropping
Public propertyFullWidth The width of the scaled image before cropping
Public propertySize The size of the file in bytes
(Inherited from FileResult)
Public propertyStream The file contents
(Inherited from FileResult)
Public field_size
(Inherited from FileResult)
See Also